No. 67 Defining a mechanism of the enhancement of bioavailability of astaxanthin by γ-cyclodextrin
This research was reported in 31th Cyclodextrin Symposium (Shimane, Sep. 11~12, 2014).
Our company have attractive technologies in functional food and personal care fields which raise the water solubility, stability and bioavailability of a functional ingredient by using the inclusion property of cyclodextrin (CD).
Recently, we focused "Astaxanthin" as a notable anti-aging ingredient and succeeded in the dramatic enhancement of its stability, antioxidant capacity, bioavailability and swimming endurance by inclusion with γ-CD (* please refer to the newest result of research "8th" and the "48th" of our homepage for details.). We believe those results showed that "Astaxanthin-γ-CD complex" is useful as functional health food and cosmetics materials.
In this research, aqueous solubility of astaxanthin with γ-CD in artificial intestinal juice was examined in order to clarify the mechanism of the enhanced bioavailability.
Structure of Axtaxanthin

Heralth benefits of astaxanthin
Anti-oxidant effect / Improving of brain functions / Anti-eyestrain effect / Anti-arteriosclerotic effect / Anti-inflammatory effect / Improving of skin conditions
Artificial intestinal juice (FeSSIF)

M. Vertzoni, et al. (2004)
E. Jantratid, et al. (2008)
In this study, FeSSIF wihtout sodium taurocholate and lecithin was also used as blank buffer.

Result : Aqueous solubility of astaxanthin in FeSSIF
Fig. 1

Significantly enhancement of aqueous solubility of Ax with γ-CD was observed in the case of FeSSIF.
Enhanced bioavailability of astaxanthin by γ-CD is caused by effective solubilization of astaxanthin from γ-CD complex in intestinal juice similar to coenzymeQ10-γ-CD and curcumin-γ-CD.